Nicola Lisle embarks on a journey through the county to celebrate Derbyshire County Council’s blue plaque scheme – ten years after the first plaque was unveiled here after a public vote.
WHEN the Society of Arts launched London’s blue plaque scheme back in 1866, they probably had little idea of what they were starting. It took a while for the idea to catch on outside London, but gradually other councils and organisations began to get
in on the act – and now blue plaques are a familiar feature throughout the country.
Derbyshire was a relative latecomer to the party, but the council’s blue plaque scheme saw eighteen plaques unveiled from 2011 to 2013. The fact that those plaques were chosen by Derbyshire residents, after the council invited nominations and then put them to a public vote, makes them particularly special.
The winners represent a range of people and places, from famous names to unsung heroes, and celebrate some of the best of Derbyshire’s revered and well-loved figures…