A Superb stroll in the Upper Dove Valley this month, with stunning views of two of Derbyshire’s shapeliest peaks, Chrome and Parkhouse hills. Apart from the descent and subsequent ascent of the ridge on which Longnor sits, it’s very much a walk ‘on the level’!
From the centre of Longnor, take the Buxton road and, in less than 100m, turn right into Church Street, then left at once to rise up a surfaced lane with a cul-de-sac sign. In 100m go right, up the banking, to a stile on the left with a waymark on a post. Cross the gardens of a pair of semi-detached bungalows, then go over a stile and continue along the edge of a field with a wall on your right. Go over a waymarked stile, then descend the scarp through woodland, to reach a signpost and stile/gate. Join a farm track, continuing to the entrance to a pair of houses…