Rosie Gilligan talks to a Chesterfield artist, who loves to combine words and images, about how her work has changed this year.

FOR Elizabeth Forrest, a lettering artist and papermaker, 2020 has been a difficult year, as it has for many artists. All her live exhibitions and events have been cancelled, “but at least I’ve had my work to focus on and I’m grateful for that,” she says. Elizabeth, who lives in Chesterfield, has taken inspiration from her surroundings and as a result her work has changed. “Recently it has become more painterly,” she explains. From March onwards she did what many of us have done – take walks in the countryside and watch the seasons unfold. “There was so much talk of nature then and I’m interested in birds so, naturally, I began to incorporate them in my work.” A robin redbreast in a cage, one of her most recent works, illustrates how she combines both words and images in her work. The text is from William Blake, one of the poets and writers she often uses for inspiration…