Checking out life after lockdown in Chesterfield…


There’s no masking (excuse the pun) the uncertainty on the streets felt by retailers and shoppers across Derbyshire after the lifting of lockdown, so Gemma-Louise King checks out the ‘new normal’ in Chesterfield…

WHEN hairdressing salons closed in March, there was a wave of panic. Of course the lack of a cut and colour is pretty low down on the list of worries during a global pandemic, but there’s no denying the impact on self esteem, not to mention the many home hair disasters. I’ve only just got around to going (work commitments et al) to The Headroom on Knifesmithgate to see what could be salvaged post DIY! I won’t lie; I approached this with a mixture of trepidation and relief. We’ve heard so much talk of Covid-19 safety guidelines, that I wondered if this would remotely resemble anything we are used to, and if I’d even enjoy it…